Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ashlee and Pete's Split: Early Signs of Trouble bliss didn't last very long for Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz.

Although the couple's Wednesday divorce announcement came as a shock to many, insiders saw trouble brewing way back in June 2009 -- when Ashlee, 26, and Pete, 31, were married for a mere 13 months, and prone to explosive blowouts often punctuated by alcohol.

At issue? Balancing their professional and romantic lives with the pressures of parenting an infant son, Bronx, then 7 months.

At the time, the duo fought "constantly," and singer-actress Ashlee was "seriously considering leaving him," one insider said.

Things boiled over at a June 1 party -- where a visibly drunk Ashlee got into a nasty public spat with Michelle Trachtenberg, Pete's ex girlfriend.

Simpson-Wentz was "reverting to drinking and going out, because she is sick and tired of her life," another pal said. The alcohol was "an outlet for her unhappiness, and Pete is getting fed up."

After hanging out in the same social circles for years, the couple got romantic in late 2006 -- and raced to the altar in May 2008, when she was 3-months pregnant.

"Ashlee loves Bronx but jumped into marriage and having a baby too quickly," one pal told Us. "They feel they got trapped in a situation they were too young for."

In Wednesday's statement released by their spokesperson, the couple said: "We remain friends and deeply committed and loving parents to our son Bronx, whose happiness and well-being remains our number one priority."

Credit: Us Magazine

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